How to Stop Worrying and Love Neuroimaging of the Visual Cortex

Workshop Video Recordings

The workshop is now complete, and video recordings have been posted to YouTube as a playlist.

  1. Introduction to Neurodesk
    Dr. Mark Schira, University of Wollongong
  2. Building a reproducible neuroimaging pipeline
    Dr. Noah C. Benson, University of Washington
  3. DeepRetinotopy
    Dr. Fernanda Ribeiro, University of Queensland

The GitHub repository for the workshop can be used to run the demonstrations and tutorials.

About this Workshop

Visual neuroimaging has never been as powerful or as complex as it is today. Fortunately, the increase in software complexity in recent years has been accompanied by the development of powerful tools to automate pipelines, ensure reproducibility, and simplify software and lab management. This workshop, conducted as a satellite event at the 2024 annual meeting of the Vision Sciences Society, will introduce the participants to these tools and live-code practical tutorials in their use. The session will focus on computational approaches to MRI work, but substantial portions will be applicable to other neuroimaging methods.

As part of registration, all participants will be given access to a cloud-based computing environment running Neurodesk on which all tutorials can be performed (a contemporary web-browser is all that is required for participants to use this interface). Participants will have access to the compute environment for at least one month after VSS ends, and tutorials and lecture recordings will be made public.

Neurodesk is an open source platform that includes many standard neuroscience software tools and provides them via a browser-based interface. Users can opt for a command-line interface, a Jupyter interface, or a graphical desktop, without needing to install anything but a modern web-browser. Because the Neurodesk server runs in either a Docker or Singularity container, installation is simple. It and the tools demonstrated in this workshop can be used as easily on a lab server, on a personal laptop, or in the cloud.

See the Program for more information on topics that will be covered in the workshop. Please Register if you wish to attend.

Who is the intended audience?

This workshop is intended for researchers at all levels including students, post-docs, and principal investigators. Participants are expected to have some experience with the simple data science tools such as git, the unix shell, and Python. Advanced knowledge is not required, and participants can easily learn these skills from resources on the preparation page.